Biterm Topic Model with Word Embeddings: Guide

 min. read
September 20, 2024
Biterm Topic Model with Word Embeddings: Guide

Biterm Topic Model (BTM) + word embeddings = powerful tool for short text analysis.

Key points:

  • BTM excels at finding topics in brief texts (tweets, messages)
  • Word embeddings add semantic depth
  • Combined, they improve topic coherence and accuracy

Here's what you need to know:

  1. BTM basics:

    • Uses word pairs (biterms) across whole dataset
    • Each biterm links to one topic
    • Great for sparse data
  2. Adding word embeddings:

    • Captures word meanings and relationships
    • Helps with new words
    • Makes topics clearer
  3. How to use it:

    • Clean your data
    • Create word embeddings
    • Find and filter biterms
    • Train the model
    • Analyze results
  4. Tips for better results:

    • Handle new words (break into parts, use outside sources)
    • Speed up processing (use FastBTM, optimize hardware)
    • Run multiple times for consistency
    • Add a noise topic for common words
    • Tweak parameters and fine-tune embeddings

Real-world uses:

Industry Application
Social Media Trend spotting
E-commerce Review analysis
Customer Service Ticket grouping
Market Research Survey insights

Bottom line: BTM with word embeddings isn't perfect, but it's a solid start for making sense of short text data.

Basics of Biterm Topic Model

Biterm Topic Model

BTM is all about word pairs, not single words. Here's the breakdown:

  1. Biterms: Unordered word pairs from short texts. "Visit apple store" gives us (visit, apple), (visit, store), and (apple, store).

  2. Corpus-level modeling: BTM looks at biterms across the entire dataset.

  3. Topic assignment: Each biterm links to one topic.

This approach helps BTM extract meaning from sparse data, making it great for short texts like tweets or chat messages.

Why BTM Shines with Short Texts

BTM excels where other models fall short:

  • Handles sparse data by using biterms
  • Captures word relationships across all documents
  • Finds clearer, more useful topics than models like LDA, even with limited data

BTM's Drawbacks

BTM isn't perfect:

  1. Might miss broader context by focusing on word pairs
  2. Can struggle with new words not seen during training
  3. Can slow down with larger datasets due to biterm numbers

Researchers are exploring combinations with other techniques, like word embeddings, to address these issues.

Adding word embeddings to BTM

BTM works well for short texts, but it can miss broader context. Word embeddings can help fix that.

What are word embeddings?

Word embeddings turn words into numbers. They capture meanings and relationships, helping machines understand text better.

Two popular methods:

  1. Word2Vec: Uses CBOW and Skip-gram models
  2. GloVe: Creates a global word co-occurrence matrix

Both put similar words close together in a vector space.

Why combine BTM and word embeddings?

Mixing them can boost topic accuracy and clarity:

  1. Better word understanding: Embeddings give a more detailed view of words
  2. Handling new words: They help with words not seen in training
  3. Clearer topics: They group related words, even if they don't appear together often

For example, the Noise Biterm Topic Model with Word Embeddings (NBTMWE) beat other models in tests on Sina Weibo and Web Snippets data.

Another approach, relational BTM (R-BTM), uses embeddings to link short texts based on word similarities. This improves topic coherence.

How to use BTM with word embeddings

Here's how to set up and use BTM with word embeddings:

1. Prepare your data

Clean and organize your text:

import re

def clean_text(text):
    return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z\s]', '', text.lower()).split()

corpus = [clean_text(doc) for doc in raw_documents]

2. Create word embeddings

Use Word2Vec with Gensim:

from gensim.models import Word2Vec

model = Word2Vec(sentences=corpus, vector_size=100, window=5, min_count=1, workers=4)

3. Find and filter biterms

Identify relevant word pairs:

def get_biterms(doc, model, threshold=0.5):
    return [(doc[i], doc[j]) for i in range(len(doc)) for j in range(i+1, len(doc)) 
            if model.wv.similarity(doc[i], doc[j]) > threshold]

all_biterms = [get_biterms(doc, model) for doc in corpus]

4. Train the model

Run the improved BTM:

from btm import BTM

btm = BTM(num_topics=10, V=len(model.wv.key_to_index))
topics = btm.fit_transform(all_biterms)

5. Analyze results

Display the topics:

for topic_idx, topic in enumerate(btm.phi_):
    print(f"Topic {topic_idx}:")
    top_words = sorted(range(len(topic)), key=lambda i: topic[i], reverse=True)[:10]
    print(", ".join([model.wv.index_to_key[i] for i in top_words]))

This process combines BTM with word embeddings for more accurate topic modeling.


Check how well the model works

To assess your Biterm Topic Model (BTM) with word embeddings:

Measure topic quality and accuracy

Use these metrics:

  1. Coherence score: Higher is better. Shows how well topic words relate.
  2. Perplexity: Lower is better. Indicates model fit.

Calculate them:

from gensim.models.coherencemodel import CoherenceModel

coherence_model = CoherenceModel(model=btm, texts=corpus, dictionary=dictionary, coherence='c_v')
coherence_score = coherence_model.get_coherence()

perplexity = btm.perplexity(test_corpus)

print(f"Coherence Score: {coherence_score}")
print(f"Perplexity: {perplexity}")

Compare with other models

Stack your BTM against basic models like LDA or NMF:

Model Coherence Score (Cv) Perplexity
LDA 0.3919 High
LSI 0.3912 Medium
HDP 0.6347 Low
BTM with embeddings [Your score] [Your score]

Fill in your scores. If they beat the baselines, you're on the right track.

Don't forget:

  1. Eyeball the top words for each topic. Do they make sense?
  2. Are your topics distinct?
  3. Run the model multiple times. Consistent results? That's good.

Tips to make the model better

Want to supercharge your Biterm Topic Model (BTM) with word embeddings? Here's how:

Deal with new words

When your model hits unfamiliar words:

  1. Break words into smaller parts. It helps guess new word meanings.
  2. Add an algorithm to spot and learn new words on the fly.
  3. Use outside sources for context on strange terms.
  4. Retrain word embeddings to include fresh vocab.

Speed up processing for big datasets

Got a ton of data? Make it zip:

  1. Use FastBTM. It's WAY faster than regular BTM.
  2. Feed data in chunks, not word-by-word.
  3. If you're using BERT, find ways to speed it up. It's 154 times slower than GloVe.
  4. Optimize your hardware. Use MKL-DNN on CPUs or batching on GPUs.
  5. Try negative sample sharing. It's quick without sacrificing accuracy.

Check out this speed comparison:

Embedding Type Processing Time (seconds per word)
GloVe 0.000275
BERT 0.04235

GloVe's a speed demon compared to BERT. Choose wisely based on your needs!

Fixing common problems

When using BTM with word embeddings, you might hit some snags. Let's tackle two big ones:

Not enough data

Short texts can leave you hanging. Here's how to bulk up your dataset:

  • Group similar posts
  • Add data from other sources
  • Create artificial short texts

Inconsistent topics

Getting stable topics across runs can be a pain. Try these:

1. Run it multiple times

Do several runs and compare. It helps spot the truly stable topics.

Run Top 3 Topics
1 Technology, Finance, Sports
2 Technology, Sports, Weather
3 Technology, Finance, Politics

See how "Technology" keeps popping up? That's what you're looking for.

2. Add a noise topic

Throw in a "catch-all" topic for common words that don't fit elsewhere. It helps separate the wheat from the chaff.

3. Tweak your parameters

Play with your model's settings. Focus on:

  • Topic count
  • Alpha and beta values
  • Iteration number

4. Fine-tune word embeddings

Using pre-trained embeddings? Try tweaking them for your specific data. It can help capture unique word relationships in your field.

One researcher analyzing essays from 148 people found that even with tons of parameter tuning (like setting nstart to 1000), topics can still vary wildly with different random seeds.

Bottom line: Topic modeling isn't perfect. But these tricks can help you get more consistent, meaningful results.


BTM with word embeddings packs a punch for short text analysis. It combines BTM's word co-occurrence modeling with the semantic depth of word embeddings. The result? A robust solution for tackling sparse data in brief messages.

Here's what you need to know:

  • BTM shines with short texts like tweets and search queries
  • Word embeddings boost BTM's semantic understanding
  • Together, they improve topic coherence and accuracy

This combo has real-world impact across industries:

Industry Use Case
Social Media Spotting Twitter trends
E-commerce Sorting product reviews
Customer Service Grouping support tickets
Market Research Finding survey response themes

BTM with word embeddings isn't perfect, but it's a solid start for making sense of short text data. When using this method:

  • Clean your data thoroughly
  • Pick relevant word embeddings
  • Tweak model parameters for best results

Remember: The key is balancing BTM's strength with word embeddings' smarts. It's not just about finding topics—it's about uncovering meaningful insights in bite-sized text.

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